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Hello, Hexxet here,

I've decided to continue the Winery PAI Story line. It's the guy with the magic grape potions that can basically change anything for the person drinking them. He has established his winery now and from there we can go anywhere from a wine-tasting party to more extravagant events or customers ;).

Now, I want to know what you'd like to see in the coming chapters of this series, so I can focus on stuff you'd like to see. Below you can see some transformations or effects I was thinking of, but you may also write small scenario ideas in the comments. Maybe I let myself be influenced by them ;). (Also, like comments of ideas you like to make them appeal to me more ;)).

Note that the winery story will continue in June. So, don't expect this to influence any stories of May as I have already prepared those.

PS: This is a multi-choice poll, so you can vote for every option you'd like to see.


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