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But, now that we are done with Office Party I, of course, want to know what you guys think of the third Endgame. So like with the previous two Endgames, here's a poll to get some feedback on what your thoughts are on this Endgame.

The last chapter of the third Endgame has concluded today for all patrons. It's now completed here in the Patreon feed and available on my homepage in full. I've also updated the Officeparty Archive post, if you prefer downloading the zips/pdfs from there.

But, now that we are done with Office Party I, of course, want to know what you guys think of the third Endgame. So, like with the previous two Endgames, here's a poll to get some feedback on what your thoughts are on this Endgame. I hope you still remember it. It got quite long XD. It had that super awesome (hopefully ^^) twist! ;)

PS: If you did not like it because you are not into FD please chose the "I'm not into FD"-option. If you liked it to some degree even though you are not into FD, vote at your own discretion ;). I am aware that the female takeover was something some of you dislike, but the way Office Party was written it deserved one FD-Ending imo. (Although, when I started out I originally planned it to be Charlotte who'd be taking over :)).