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Hello, Hexxet here,

Happy to announce next weeks comic "New World Order - I".

Plot: We join 5 female agents 7 days after "The Change" a global Event that has changed the very fabrics of reality. The cause of "The Change" is one rogue Agent (Mikael) who got his hands on an artifcat called "The Reality Note". Anything written into the note becomes true. And he has used said notebook to match reality with his twisted sexual fantasies! Leading to him being the only man left on the planet, women wearing only skimpy clothes and more! Our five agents have been mostly spared by the changes and are preparing to hunt him down and restore reality... But their reality counter measures obviously were not perfect... Some of the changes did affect them after all!

In Part one we will watch our agents prepare for the coming battle while in part 2 they will clash with Mikael. Will they stand a chance against a guy who can change reality on a world wide scale by just scribbling into a notebook? Tune in on New World Order next Friday and after! :)

~50 Pages + 10 Pinups.

I hope you'll like this one. It's a different take on the Reality Change genre, but I think it turned out hilarious and sexy :).




Looks good, but I have one question: if there's only one man left on the planet, why'd they ask about men, plural?


What page are you referring to? There is only one man left on earth, but our agents can still remember most of the original reality. So, they know about men and stuff.


I was talking about when they're in the bathroom. Just a bit confused by some of the wording and circumstances, but I guess that's changed reality for you, especially when the characters are half-way between remembering everything and not noticing any changes.