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Hello, Hexxet here,

Welcome in March. Glad you are still here, and a hearty welcome to all newcomers! :)

February was quite a busy month for me. In addition to creating my usual content I was and am already preparing the new main story "The lost Temple" which is quite a lot of extra work in comparison, because I have to create "the world" around the characters as well :)

And on top of all that I've finally finished my homepage, uploaded most of my comics to my new Deviant Art Shop and was fighting with Patreon Support over the payment bug I told you last month. Thankfully they finally accepted it as a bug, and it seems to be fixed now. Though I still have no confirmation about that from them...

But, hopefully all this meta work is subsiding now and I can fully dedicate to my content again.

PS: There currently seems to be a problem with the Access retainment at my homepage of old months. This is due to the patreon plugin I am using. I'm trying to communicate with the Patreon Plugin staff about this... but it is hard. So, currently I assume most of you can not access the comics of January or before on my homepage. (This only is about access retainment, lifetime-support and unlocking the archive works!). I hope I can get to the bottom of this "bug". I'll keep you up to date as soon as I get new info on this. Hopefully I can make it work again... though I do not like what I've heard so far from support. :C

Stories of March:

The lost Temple will start once the third Endgame to office party has concluded. That should be the 20.03 for Afficionado Tier. Daily posting will be available on my homepage, once a chapter is finished there will be an extra post/page with that on my homepage but also a post here in the Patreon Feed. 

These four side stories will come out in March:

  • Window Wishing - Part 4
  • Dylan and the IP³ - Part 7
  • The Gift - Part 15
  • New World Order _ Part 1

The Enthusiast Story of March will be "The Gift - Part 15" and the Afficionado Story will be "Window Wishing - Part 4". "Dylan and the IP³ - Part 7" and "New World Order - Part 1" will be available to Connoisseur Tier. The Enthusiast/Afficionado Stories were decided by this vote here.

(Note that if you are still in the Afficionado Legacy Tier you will get access to "The Gift - Part 15").

For a detailed description Teaser of these stories have a look at the Outlook of March Post.

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics! :)


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