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Hello, Hexxet here,

and I'm writing to you to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year! :)

Though if you read between those lines, what I'm really telling you is: I don't want to work that much during the festivities and therefore will not do daily posts :O. Therefore I have added all images to the Main story post for Afficionados until(including) 06.01.2022. So, quite a few pix at once :).

For Enthusiasts a post is scheduled to go live on 30.12.2022, which will contain images for 30.12.2022 - 06.01.2022.

PS: Note that originally I just wanted to put the daily posting on hold until 01.01.20222. But when posting the pages I realized it would be kinda wicked to leave Afficionados in the middle of Nicole's XXXNO_SPOILER_HEREXXX scene over Christmas, so I've looked for the least edgy Cliffhanger there was and that were the pages for 06.01.2022 :). I hope you enjoy Nicole's pages. Shall they make time until presents... I mean Christmas! ... fly by :).

PPS: I probably will check my Patreon anyway over the next few days, but if I don't answer, assume I'm enjoying a nice Christmas party, even though I'm just visiting relatives all over the place ^^. Nah joke aside, it will be nice. I'm just a bit grinchy cause I've got a cold for over three weeks now and it's not going away :(.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!



Have a great Christmas Hexx, I get to enjoy catching up on all you're stories I've missed so it's like a double Christmas for me haha


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.