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Hello, Hexxet here,

November is slowly coming to an end so, it's time for the Outlook of December :)

Enthusiasts and Afficionado's will finish with the current ongoing Chapter C of the third Endgame. After that Chapter D will be released in a different way than usual. For story based reasons yet to unfold there is no sense in publishing Chapter D in daily/page-wise manner. For this purpose, once Chapter C has concluded there will be a one week break from daily posting, then the complete Chapter D will be posted in one go followed by another one week break. After that we will continue with Chapter E. I'm already looking forward to your opinion about Chapter C+D once they have concluded :)

Of course Afficionado's will get access to one of the four stories of December. Decided by a poll I'll put up soon.

And Connoisseur Tier will, as always, get four new story chapters. But before we get to the stories of December I have to bring you some bad news. There will be no chapter of "The Gift" in December. Darren, the sponsor and scriptwriter behind this story, sadly has gotten some serious health issues and had to go to the hospital. He says he should be back on his feet for the Jannuary script, but for December "The Gift" will be on a one month break. Darren I wish you good luck and get better soon!

Now without further ado, the stories of December:

Reality Pen - ON VACATION - Part 3: Now this one comes as no surpise. It's the continuation of Gabriel and Jessica's Vacation. This will be the final part that brings that vacation to an end. And it will do so with a bang! Double the girls, double the fun. Jessica meets another girl at their hotel who wants to go on a sightseeing trip as well. Now we can't have that! Gabriel uses the Reality Pen on both girls - his girlfriend and her newfound friend. This comic will feature some more intense breast expansion sequences followed by some shrinking (down to 140cm or so). Of course the girls personalities change as well. We'll have a slave-girl and a P-star :). This chapter has ~85 pages.

Window Wishing - Part 2: Again, no surprise as I've already talked about this one :). The story of Erik and his wishing Amulet continues. In the first part he has watched his neighbor through his bedside window, but now it's time for some action as the busty brunette knocks on his door and begs Erik to do it with her! How will Erik react? Will he figure out the amulet is behind all this? And how will he proceed when  another female neighbor of his furiously knocks on his door, woken by their sounds of lovemaking?  ~ 60 pages in 3840x2160 resolution, rendered by 3D-Swede.

Assistant Lab Rat - Part 3 - "Operation Beach Bunny": The Breast-Change-Galore continues in this commissioned story by Kurt, as James takes Julie, Stacey and The Bust Enhancer to the beach for some field testing. More girls are added to James' busty harem. More breasts are changed and the girls experience some embarrassing moments on the beach. So... err... this comic might be getting a bit out of hand in the breast department. Once it has been released I will do a poll if you would be up for more in that direction or if these breast changes are too much. ~130 pages. (Yup 130! This one really got out of hand, even with lots of pages dedicated to some very long transformation sequences)

Reality Engine - We need an app for that!: And one more reality-change based story! This one is commissioned by Lord_Sengir (Who also ordered the "Remember Chronicles"). Meet Doctor Hendriks, a quantum scientist who has just developed the reality Engine - A machine that can change the fabrics of reality itself! But it's far too hard to use. So, she invites Professor Fortune to help her out. What she does not know is that her Assistant Mikael is more than capable of finishing the app to that machine...  So... to summerize this in one sentence.... Prepare to slut those science biatches up! ^^, ~95 pages long, but quite a few pages just for effects... so probably more around 70 content pages.


  • 03.12.2022: Reality Pen - ON VACATION! - Part 3
  • 10.12.2022: Window Wishing - Part 2 + Start of gathering Ideas for Part 3
  • 17.12.2022: Assistant Lab Rat - Part 3 - "Operation Beach Bunny"
  • 24.12.2022: Reality Engine - We need an app for that!

Please also note that with the start of December the following stories will be archived:

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics and see you next month! :)




When will the new "gift" episode coming out


Due to Darren's health issues we are on a one month break. From the information I got from him I assume that he'll be up and running again soon. So The Gift should be continued in January.