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Hello, Hexxet here,

Time to start Chapter C of the third Endgame! :)

Note that Part B and C were planned as a single chapter. But with all that hypno action going on (and so much talking!) there were just too many pages. This chapter will be 69 pages once again. There will be 2 hypnosis sequences in this one (where I'll probably post 3-4 pages per day again for those) and we'll have somewhat of a forced happy Ending! Though don't fret. This is not the real ending! This part is just written in a way to make it a possible ending midway through. The real story still goes on and I assume/hope that once we are done with the complete Chapter C, you will see the third endgame in a whole new light :)

I hope you are still with me and the main-story! :)

Here is the Link to the previous chapter - Part B.




Pages 27 + 28 posted: new suggestion working :)


Pages 29 + 30 posted: Can you imagine Isabel abusing Nicole's suggestion the whole evening to bring her snacks and coffee? And Nicole thinking it's a great idea to to do so? I can XD


Pages 31 + 32 posted: Charlotte is up next... She's actually under quite a few changes if you list them up properly XD


Pages 33 + 34 posted: Vincent can't believe how much has happened during that party ^^


Pages 35 + 36 + 37 posted: Charlotte's Hypnosis starts now.


Pages 38 + 39 + 40 + 41 posted: Charlotte is going under...


Pages 42 + 43 + 44 posted: Charlotte is under...


Pages 45 + 46 posted: Let Charlotte's deprogramming begin!


Pages 47 + 48 posted: Lucine starts Charlotte's deprogramming....


Pages 49 + 50 posted: Lucine correct her earlier comments and wakes Charlotte back up...


Pages 51 + 52 posted: Charlotte's waking up and she's pissed at Lucine for trying something like that :)


Pages 53 + 54 posted: Julie tries Charlotte's trigger to test if the deprogramming has worked.


Pages 55 + 56 posted: Everybody is happy it's finally over :)


Pages 57 + 58 posted: Happy Ending Reached. Wooohooo. ;) [Don't worry. It is not over yet. We'll manage to prevent that happy ending! ^^]


Pages 59 + 60 posted: The hypnotist is leaving and Charlotte finds that very offsetting! What is going on? What about the others? And why is Lucine smiling like that?!


Pages 61 + 62 posted: Oh, my. What is going on!?


Pages 63 + 64 posted: Isn't Vincent just adorable? ^^


Pages 65 + 66 posted: Remember Scene 5 back in Charlotte's Office? The tables are turned now :)

Hexxet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 16:47:27 This Chapter is complete! (Pages 67 + 68 + 69 + Thank You + Continue posted). Zip & PDF added for download.
2022-12-14 08:05:54 This Chapter is complete! (Pages 67 + 68 + 69 + Thank You + Continue posted). Zip & PDF added for download.

This Chapter is complete! (Pages 67 + 68 + 69 + Thank You + Continue posted). Zip & PDF added for download.


Due to the format of Chapter D, there is no sense in posting it on a daily basis. Therefore daily posting will be on a one week break. Then on 22.12.2022 I will post the complete Chapter D in one go followed by another one week break. Daily posting will then continue with Chapter E on 30.12.2022. (Though I might be on vacation/Family/Friend events during the holiday, so I might be posting the content of 30.12/31.12 some days sooner.