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Hello, Hexxet here,

Surprise! I've decided to enter the Hypnovember Event. To be specific the prompt of Syas-Nomis at Deviant Art. This will be a comic I'll release on 19.11 for this Event to the public (so Deviant art and pixiv. It will also be a thank you to my increased number of watchers there). But you can already read the complete comic here on Patreon :). PS: Note that the theme for 19.11 is forget, and I think this comic is worthy of that theme ;)

Plot: Gabriel is looking for a one-night stand and he has spotted Amara sitting over there at the bar. Will his power to make people forget stuff help him step up his game?

I've classified this story as evil since Gabriel is an asshole in this story. Though now that I've finished the story I'm thinking... is this actually worse than some normal asshole seducing girls for a one-night stand with normal means? At least Amara will have no bad memories of falling for Gabriel... I guess the morality aspect of the use of MC in this story is kinda like a zebra^^

I hope you enjoy reading! The comic is about 40 pages long. There are no pinups to this one.




Well...the usage of hypnosis made in this fetish, is basically equivalent to "drug rape". In real life, it would be something horrible XD. I liked your story. It is as if you mix MIB´s mind eraser with Groundhog day

Hexxet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 16:47:28 I beg to disagree. I gave my best to get this story as far as possible away from such a thing. There is no violence involved in any of the sexual parts of this story (actually there is absolutely zero violence contained). Neither is Amara under any influence that reduces her inhibitions or increases her libido (aside from that one standard gin-tonic ^^). She is sleeping with Gabriel because she genuinely believes he is a great guy ;). The exact same outcome could have been achieved if Gabriel always said the right stuff in the first place and if his girlfriend did not appear out of nowhere there in the back ally. [But I really like that MIB & Groundhog day reference XD]
2022-11-11 14:01:17 I beg to disagree. I gave my best to get this story as far as possible away from such a thing. There is no violence involved in any of the sexual parts of this story (actually there is absolutely zero violence contained). Neither is Amara under any influence that reduces her inhibitions or increases her libido (aside from that one standard gin-tonic ^^). She is sleeping with Gabriel because she genuinely believes he is a great guy ;). The exact same outcome could have been achieved if Gabriel always said the right stuff in the first place and if his girlfriend did not appear out of nowhere there in the back ally. [But I really like that MIB & Groundhog day reference XD]

I beg to disagree. I gave my best to get this story as far as possible away from such a thing. There is no violence involved in any of the sexual parts of this story (actually there is absolutely zero violence contained). Neither is Amara under any influence that reduces her inhibitions or increases her libido (aside from that one standard gin-tonic ^^). She is sleeping with Gabriel because she genuinely believes he is a great guy ;). The exact same outcome could have been achieved if Gabriel always said the right stuff in the first place and if his girlfriend did not appear out of nowhere there in the back ally. [But I really like that MIB & Groundhog day reference XD]


I know what you mean, but with his method he basically brainwashes her, making her believe what is not real.