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Hello, Hexxet here,

Part A of this endgame dealt with Lucine gathering the whole crew to finally get rid of those suggestions. There was mostly talking. In this chapter... the talking will continue ^^, but at least there will be some hypnosis in this chapter :)

Note that I completely underestimated the amount of pages I would need for this chapter. I've now settled for 61 pages, after I split the chapter (as it was originally planned) into two parts, because otherwise the chapter would be too long for comfort ^^. Again, there will not be much nude stuff in this comic, but I think/hope that I added some intriguing text that keeps the tension up :). (Also all the girls are still in their skimpy clothes, so that should count for something, right? :))




Pages 22 + 23 posted: To the hypnotist's delight Julie tells him not all has been bad about the suggestions.


Pages 24 + 25 posted: It breaks a hypnotists heart (and probably the hypnosis approach ^^) if there is only low trust from the subject. But in this case it's understandable ,). So, Vincent agrees to their proposal.


Pages 26 + 27 posted: Julie, Lucine and the hypnotist head into the file cabinet for Julie's deprogramming...


Pages 28 + 29 posted: Julie jokes around wth the hypnotist before the session starts ;)


Pages 28 + 31 posted: Sorry I miss-posted yesterday. Those were actually 29 + 30 --> I've now posted the real Page 28 (in correct order --> so you have to look three pages back for that one).


Pages 32 + 33 posted: Let Julie's hypnosis sequence begin!


Pages 34 + 35 + 36 posted: Three pages cause let's get through with this hypno sequence ;)


Pages 37 + 38 + 39 posted: Almost done with Julie's entrancement.


Pages 40 + 41 posted: Julie is finally under!


Pages 42 + 43 posted: Lucine is about to de & reprogram her colleague Julie!


Pages 44 + 45 posted: Julie is deprogrammed by Lucine...


Pages 46 + 47 posted: Julie is waking up again. Lucine did a great job, did she not? ;)


Pages 48 + 49 posted: It works! Julie is a new person so to say ^^


Pages 50 + 51 + 52 posted: Julie is fixed and the three of them are ready to walk out again...


Pages 53 + 54 posted: ... Oh, my!


Pages 55 + 56 posted: Phew! It was just a dream :)


Pages 57 + 58 posted: With all due respect, Julie is cured! ;)


Pages 59 + 60 posted: Is Charlotte up next?

Hexxet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 20:13:41 Pages 61 + Thank You + Continue posted --> Chapter complete: Nicole is up next! Let's hope Charlotte can keep her bad thoughts in check a little longer!
2022-11-15 04:33:03 Pages 61 + Thank You + Continue posted --> Chapter complete: Nicole is up next! Let's hope Charlotte can keep her bad thoughts in check a little longer!

Pages 61 + Thank You + Continue posted --> Chapter complete: Nicole is up next! Let's hope Charlotte can keep her bad thoughts in check a little longer!

Hexxet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 20:13:41 PDF & zip added for download.
2022-11-15 04:33:16 PDF & zip added for download.

PDF & zip added for download.