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Hello, Hexxet here :) 

September is about to end and October is approaching so it's time for the outlook of next month :)

There won't be any major surprises for the main story. Both Enthusiasts and Afficionados will continue the third Endgame. Afficionado's will probably finish Part 2 in October and get the first few pages of Part 3. (Note that I have planned for about 5 parts and this Endgame will probably be the longest of all three. So we will still be far away from any conclusion ;). [Also I'm still on writing this Endgame, so I that's why I'm writing "probably" all this time ^^]

As always, Afficionados will get access to one of the four stories of the month. I will put the poll for that up soon.

The following Extra Stories will come out in September (and are all available to Connoisseur Tier):

Window Wishing: Erik is a young man working his ass off in some stupid company just to get by. In the evening he is usually too exhausted to do much and his favorite past time has become looking out of his bedroom window. As it happens, across the street there is another window and the beautiful female neighbor there sometimes forgets to close the curtains of her bedroom before she start's removing her street clothes. Though all Erik has seen so far was her underwear... But all of this is about to change tonight as his neighbor does not only show it all - no! She even starts touching herself right there! What a lucky guy. Maybe this has something to do with the strange amulet he has found on the way home today? Maybe it grants wishes?! Nah, that would be too crazy, wouldn't it? ;) [35 single comic pages in high resolution. This is a collaboration between myself and Indday60]

The Gift - Part XI: In the last part we have seen Dylan's "glorious victory" over Sayo. Nothing stands in Dylan's way now and the video of the ring is broadcasted all around town. Time to reap his reward as the female population of the town is brainwashed into Dylan's obedient drones he can trigger as he pleases! [~93 pages + several pinups]

A Visit to Remember: The third part of the "Remember Chronicles" ;). A Follow up to "A Party to Remember", Stella (Barbara's mother) and her other daughter Julie are invited over to Marco's home (originally Lucine and her husband's home), where Barbara is now living/working. They are quite shocked when they see her opening the door in skimpy clothes... But I'm sure there is something Marco can say to soothe a worried mother and sister ;) [probably around 50 pages]

Succubus Party: This is a Halloween themed story going with October :). The nerds (lead by Dylan) are furious! No girl has shown up to their D&D session! Even though they have rented out an old spooky church to go with the Halloween theme! It's all because of those jocks! They are throwing some hip party up on top of some penthouse! Enough is enough! Dylan proposes to hold an ancient ritual he has found in an old book. And really! Once finished, a succubus pops out of thin air and Dylan as the summoner commands her to give that party a visit - which she does. The succubus uses her magic eyes to bring all the girls at the party under her control and has them engage in wild threesome's all over the place with the jocks while she herself walks around and collects the jocks' souls one after another when they reach climax. Are the jocks damned forever? Will the succubus become too strong for our summoner Dylan? Or will the nerds really have the last laugh in the end? This story will be rated fun & evil ^^. Cause devouring souls is probably an evil theme, but with everything that's going on and a funny conclusion it's probably more of a stupid fun tale ^^. [127 pages, 6 pinups, 720x1280 Format]

Please note that none of these new stories will contain any type of transformation. So, if that was something you were looking forward too - sorry. But, please note that in November I will start a follow up to "Reality Pen - AT THE BEACH". It will be called "Reality Pen - ON VACATION". It will be a trilogy and it will contain lot's of transformation with a big focus on breasts :)


  • 02.10.2022: Window Wishing
  • 08.10.2022: The Gift - Part XI
  • 22.10.2022: A Visit to Remember
  • 29.10.2022: Succubus Party - A Halloween Story

Also, note that with the start of next month the following stories will be archived:

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics and see you next month! :)




holy shit 93 pages for gift part 11 and 127 for succubus party?! im so ready


Yup :). But Succubus Party is designed in the phone format (like Saylor Sayo), so the pages can't be compared like that to the other comics. (It's still fricking long though XD).