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Hello, Hexxet here,

Coming up this Saturday (24.09.2022) is quite an interesting transformation and mind control focused tale. It's called "Mundo Magico - Tabitha's Tale".

Note that Mundo Magico is a world setting I have taken a liking to. So, I might be using that in future side stories as well. Also you are welcome to use it in any future commissions. It's nothing super elaborate. Mundo Magico is basically the same world as ours with one huge difference. Sometime after you turn 18 in Mundo Magico you are gifted a unique magical skill. (Can be basically anything!).

Plot: This comic is about Tabitha (Model Kessy from TlT), who lives in Mundo Magico. She has been dumped by her girlfriend Lucy and is quite pissed about it. Will her emotions run wild and make her go berserk with her gift of Mind Control?!

Warning 1: Note that this tale has been rated E for Evil by me. (And I think it's the first one I'd rate this way. Though one could probably debate whether the Remember story-lines might be evil...). Well whatever I hope you enjoy it anyway (or because of that? ^^) :).

Warning 2: As you might realize I'm using a step-relation in the intro... so you can deduce from that in which direction this comic is headed ^^.

Above you can see the first 20 pages and a pinup of the story. Note that usually I only teaser you with about the first 10 pages of the comic, but 20 is fine this time as this story will be 92 pages long... (Of course a lot of pages are adding up thanks to quite a few transformation scenes, but yeah. It's turned into a fucking long story. XD)

I hope you are looking forward to this extra long story :)




I like where it's going so far!