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Hello, Hexxet here,

Thank you for your continued support and of course a hearty welcome to all newcomers. August was my first month of doing this comic business full-time and I'm still adapting to the new situation. There is still a bit to do until I've completely settled in, but it's already a great feeling! :). And seeing the increased number of supporters confirms that this has been the right decision :).

In September we will finish the second Endgame to the main story ("Dominant Lovers") and start with the third and final Ending ("Lucine vs the Suggestions") which will take at least until November (I'm still on creating the second part to this Endgame). 

The Side Stories of September are:

  • Reality Pen - AT THE BEACH! (03.09.2022)
  • Oblivious Interview (10.09.2022)
  • The Gift - Part X (17.09.2022)
  • Mundo Magico - Tabitha's Tale (24.09.2022)

Note that the poll for which of these Stories shall become accessible to Afficionado Tier has terminated and it was decided to be "Reality Pen - AT THE BEACH!". The story will be released today in the evening :)

For a more detailed description of the side stories please have a look at this post: Outlook September

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics and wish you a good Month of September:)


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