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Hello, Hexxet here,

Happy to announce part number 8 of the Gift series. Sayo, Lana and Elizabeth might have escaped his and Charlotte's trap at the local university, but he has tracked down Elizabeth working place and Sayo's TV broadcast is not up until the evening. So still time to make this right/wrong ^^.

Find above the first few pages, a page teasing Sayo's broadcast and one pinup. I would have to lie if I said "The Mannequin Experience" did not influence me a bit while creating this comic taking place at a clothing store! ;) (For those who are not into mannequins, don't worry, this comic is still Hypno/Trance focused!)

This comic introduces a few of the girls from the TIT cast we have not yet seen, like Yara and Irene. With a heavy focus on Amara and her... back side asset ;) (Note that all characters play different roles than they will in TIT).

The complete comic will be 35 pages long and contain 7 pinups. It will go live on Saturday 23.07.2022. I hope you are looking forward to it :)



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