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Hello, Hexxet here,

Next weekend's story will be the fourth  installment of "The Gift", the commissioned Series from Darren. In the  preview images, you can see that part 4 continues right where part 3  ended. (Well almost --> it's the next day ;)), and Dylan is playing  with his newly acquired sister-slaves. But this is only the beginning of  the comic. The main scene of part 4 will take place back at the office.  Dylan has been absent for some time now, and he needs to have a word  with his boss Stacey before he gets fired!

Also, what is Layla (Marco's sister) doing at the office? Is she trying to gather evidence on Dylan?! How will that end? ;)

Careful! The last image is a pinup and contains spoilers!

The  complete comic will have 40 pages and 5 pinups. Typically for a  "Gift"-Chapter, there will be a lot of tranced girls, white eyes, and  sexy action ;). I hope you are looking forward to it :)




You nailed it for me again Hexxet! This couldn't have turned out any better and it has once again been a pleasure working with you. I hope at least some of your patreons enjoy it too.


Glad to be of service. It's fun creating this story with you :)


Just finished rendereing the first Pinup to this story and I've added it to this preview postz (since I usally add a pinup). But, be carefull. It contains spoilers ;)