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Hello, Hexxet here,

Due to me taking more time and pages to create "A Game of Change" the story will be released as an Exta-Story for Con-Tier Members instead of an Afficionado Monthly-Side-Story. Aside from that everything is the same as always.

If you are interested in deciding next month's random story, vote for Yes. Voting for no, or not voting at all  makes no difference. When this poll is over I put everyone who has voted  "Yes" on the Wheel of Control and one lucky winner will be chosen. If  you are the winner I will contact you shortly afterward to ask you for your idea. (2-4 characters of the cast of Office Party, what kind of  Mind/Magic control and about 3 reasonable sentences of what you'd like  to see in the story ;)

(There is no guarantee that the story will  turn out the way you have envisioned it, but I'll take your Idea as  input to create it ;))

So, here's the poll question: Do you want to come up with an idea for one story of next month?



*Votes Yes* Literally missed it by a hour and change... Ugh.


Sorry to hear that, but in the polls defence, it was running for exactly (or almost) a week. But I was already playing with the thaught of doing the Side-Story-Poll at the start of a month. Then I can keep it running for longer --> Will try to do that in March :)