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Hello, Hexxet here,

I've created a new Tier called "MC Time Traveller" which is basically a Tier that grants access to all my previously available stories. It's an expensive Tier, you should only purchase once. (Though it is cheaper than purchasing all single stories from Gumroad). It will grant you access to the Archive post (here on Patreon) where you can download all those older stories as PDF and/or zip. An overview of those stories can be seen here: Archive: Previously available content

I always wanted to offer an option to purchase my older stories here on Patreon and I got some messages that people did not like purchasing over gumroad, because Pay-Pal is not accepted there in my shop.

Note: If you've been a Con-Tier Member for some time, this Tier is not of interest to you. It just contains the stories of previous months that are not available anymore in the standard Con-Tier Membership)

Now, I do know that this is not an optimal solution, especially for those of you who were Con-Tier-Members or Afficonados for the past month(s), but I don't see a better option here on Patreon.

Anyway, new members or Enthusiasts who were playing with the thought of purchasing my Extra Stories might be interested in this Tier and the Archive.




I think this a good idea and an easy way for new patreons to get all the great older content 👍


It's also possible that Con-tier members who are newish (raises hand) or forgot to download material before it dropped off Patreon and relocated to Gumroad (raises hand again) would be interested in this and might need it for more than a single month.


There should be no reason to need it for more than one month. It currently includes all stories of 2021. So, join up once, download all the stories and grade down do Con-Tier. (Then keep downloading the new stories as they come out ;))


What is contained in the archive tier?


Simply the stories that were previously available here on Patreon since August. An overview of those can be seen here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/archive-content-58195523 You've been a Patron for some months, so I doubt it's paying off for you in comparison to gumraod. If it's of interest I could also create a gumroad-package for example: Stories of August + September + October.