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The newest addition to the cast of Office Party is Tiffany Rivers, Allie's little sister! I've already teasered that I will be featuring Allie's sister in Kaa Watching - Part 2. Kaa Watching will need some more time (Should start somewhen in March), but here we already have Tiffany! She will also be featured already by Darren's commission "The Gift - Part III". Since "The Gift" is heavily featuring Ally, I offered Darren to help design her little sister for a little extra and he agreed.

We had a good time designing the character together and I hope Tiffany will be welcomed with open arms :)




It was a fun to help create her and as always you did a great job bringing the design to life! I hope other people like her to and I'll look forward to seeing her in 'action' over the coming months ;)


She should be a quite intriguing addition to the cast. Great work.


Would Kaa Watching Part 2, feature Allie and Nicole as well?


Yes, that's the plan. In the "Kaa Watching Universe" Nicole is Dylan's girlfriend basically living with him, so she's probably at his appartment. And Ally will be the connection to Tiffany so she needs to be there as well. So that will probably be the full cast of Kaa Watchign 2: Dylan, Nicole, Ally and Tiffany.