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Terror gripped the city. This was the first time anyone here had seen a giant, and she was colossal. The skyscrapers still stood here as they had never been attacked. They had thought they were safe, unnoticed. Tales of the desolation of the land to the west arrived with refugees, along with video evidence and news footage of the destruction wrought by these towering behemoths, but the expected onslaught had never arrived. As cities further away continued to be raided the invasion hadn’t come. As the months passed the city thought it might escape. Now those thoughts were dashed as the titan appeared, walking up the coast from the south, taking them by surprise. 

She was stunning. She strode purposefully, her heavy breasts bouncing with each languid step. She seemed to pay very little attention to the world at her feet. Her eyes seemed fixed on the ground ahead of her but she payed little heed when entering the city suburbs and each step decimated block after block. Now she was looming over the downtown and still she kept striding those long strides, feet casually destroying apartment blocks and malls that were barely ankle high to her. The military had scrambled and fighter jets screamed around her body. Shells fired from defensive batteries in the city exploded against her knees and shins as the jets strafed her, all to no affect. Now she glanced around the scene around her with casual amusement. Reaching the centre of the city, where the river met the sea, and the financial district overlooked the port, she stopped. Planting her feet she stood astride the entire downtown area. Looking down, she smirked, and the entire city knew they were doomed. 



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