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Explosions. Fire, smoke. 

Darkness and shadow.

Earthquakes, earth shakes, earth rocks.


The deafening groans. Slaps like thunder, like lightening crashing next too your ears but far over head. The sliding and shoving of a piston; well oiled but the size of a mountain; all made of flesh and boner. Squelching of fluids greater than a Tsunami.

It is indescribable how it feels to be in the shadow of these gods as they block out the sun. It’s not possible for me to articulate metaphors that give you any idea of what the sound does to your body, or how it looks. Most people below just saw the flames and the smoke, and couldn’t stand on their feet as the buildings fell. But they were the lucky ones. The rest were crushed flat in an instant below her titanic ass, and hands, and then her body as she lay back, as his colossal cock entered her, pushing aside her delicate labial folds, which had themselves wiped out delicate buildings and streets. Her pussy yielded to his dick even though skyscrapers had crumbled against it. As he thrust the air displaced and gales whipped the city below. In and out, in and out. The deafening noises tormented those who remained to hear them. 

It seemed to go on for an age, faster and slower, faster again, until the vast bodies spasmed and clenched, and her gasp and shudder brought him to a standstill at last. Slowly he withdrew his member from her, glistening, and it flopped down. His tip crashed onto a shopping mall, crushing it utterly into a goopy pile of rubble and dust.

*I wanted this main angle to give the feeling of being below, with all the explosions around, but I was keen to try some other angles and got a bit carried away again, so there are the alternative angles as usual for Big Boss patrons. As an extra thank you, I've once again done some 4k alt angles for Mega Boss patrons with a WIP too.*
