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“Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.” Jenny wrung her hands together as she looked down the street. This had been the most appalling lunch break of all time and now she was late for the big client meeting. This was going to be the best career opportunity she’s had in years; she’d been working on the deck for weeks, her boss was going to be there, bringing this business on board was going to secure her that promotion she’d been after that would mean she’d actually be able to afford rent on the apartment she’d just moved into… But now that was all going to go up in smoke. Because she couldn’t get into the building. She couldn’t even fit into the building.

It wasn’t easy being a single woman in your late thirties. As far as dating goes, all the good men were taken and once you’d cycled through all the crazies you were left with waiting for those divorcees to start showing up. And it was expensive being single. You still had to have an apartment with  a bed, a kitchen, and a bathroom, and rent prices wouldn’t stop rising. Work hadn’t been going great for about ten years. A series of sideways moves in a shaky economy meant she was competing for space with much younger colleagues. 

Now this. Lord knows she hadn’t even thought about it when the bolt of blue energy had hit her, She didn’t even notice it had happened. She was focused solely on rushing to get her lunch from the deli down the street. Then people had started screaming and running and she saw the world dwindling around her, her head rising further and further into the sky. It would have been nice to be able to appreciate the change in view as she began to tower over the crowds, seeing into a fifth story window, then a tenth, then she was standing taller than some of the buildings, then… OMG, how tall was she now? Maybe she could find the meeting room from the outside and pitch from there. She found her building and started counting floors up and across and… she peered in through a window, yes this was it! They’d already started! Couldn’t they hear the screaming from the street? There was Mrs Patel, and Mr Robbins, and oh my goodness the client rep was a dish. She couldn’t see if he had a ring on his finger from here. Anyway, no time to waste. Taking a deep breath Jenny steadied herself, extended her index finger, and raised it to the window pane. She tapped gently, “Sorry I’m…” The glass promptly shattered inwards and the client rep was thrown back by her immense digit. “Oh no! Let me explain!” More screaming. “I can help!” Jenny reached her finger inside to grab the tiny man.



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