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A smooth and secure operation had given way to panic and chaos. Barked orders mixed with terrified cries and screamed curses as loud laughter grew ever louder as the women expanded in the claustrophobic space. They grew in spurts, heads shooting up towards the roof until there was no longer room for them to stand, doubling them over, folding up their bodies, taking up more and more space as the men in black skittered at their feet. Pulses of growth also surged through chords of muscle, swelling the towering women up to titanic proportions. Dense strata of bulging biceps, quads, and abs. Traps, tris, and calves exploding in size. Breasts ballooned, shredding shirts. 

The SWAT team had swept in with terrible timing. 30 seconds earlier and they might have been able to stop the radiation infused bikers before their growth had begun in earnest, 30 seconds later and they could have aborted. Now they were stuck in this deathtrap with the two superhuman giants, amped up a huge rush of adrenaline and endorphins, and the roof wasn’t going to be able to contain them for long.

*At long last I have worked out how to use HD models from Daz in Blender. This feels like a real game changer in using some of the Genesis 8 and 8.1 models I've had for a while to their true potential. Things take longer and there are a multitude of things which go wrong along the way that I can't explain, but with patience the results are really fantastic. These images are a little bit out of sequence with my planned releases but I wanted to get them out straight away as I'm so happy with the atmosphere in them as well as the detail on the models. Enjoy!




I would absolutely love a technical overview on exactly what software, plugins, etc you are using for this work