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Sanita couldn't remember ever being this happy. A hot sun warmed her face as her naked skin was tickled by clouds. Cooling and refreshing, the water vapour condensed on her skin into miniscule droplets and then evaporated away, leaving a fresh sensation that gave her the tingles. And made her nipples hard. She walked nude except for her glasses, bare feet crunching the landscape below. She couldn't really see where she was going, the clouds were getting in the way, but she could feel what was beneath her with the soles of her feet. The grasslands and pastures felt like soft flour that just melted away, the forests felt like soft bristles, and the hillsides and mountains felt like crusty sand, a crunchy surface that gave way quickly under her weight. It was when she trod on buidlings that the sensations became the most interesting though. They were such delicate structures that they crumbled away like rice crispies, crackling and popping. Was this a dream? If so it was a good dream. She didn't want to wake up. Wafting her hand to make a parting in the clouds she looked down at the tiny city that now lay before her and let out a deep and contented sigh.

*This is a short non cannon collection of images of Sanita. Is she dreaming? Who knows, but after her tiny stripper it seems she has a taste for living larger than everyone else.*




I hope we see more of those adorable, excitable college girls 😍


For some reason it reminds me of the old Air France ads with a tiny plane. Implied giantesses, but definitely intentional. https://fr.adforum.com/talent/20739-steven-klein/work/12153


Oh wow, hadn't seen those before. Thanks for sharing. I feel like the look I've gone for here is not an uncommon things for airlines to do. Did BA have something similar back in the day?