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*Is 5k a thing? I don't know but I wanted to make this image as big and wide as I could so we're punching it up to 5162px wide so that you can see those little specks climbing the mountain to see the sun rise on a new day. I'm putting this into the same series of atmospheric landscapes as "Sunrise", which I'd like to continue. I'm also going back to my very underused nipple prop that launched me into 3D images. Something went wrong with the file and I'm not able to use it exactly how I'd want to but I am able to use it in carefully selected circumstances.

"Come on slowcoach! You're missing the sunrise!" 

Skye gazed out over the city as the sun peaked over the mountains that surrounded The Bay. She felt the warmth of the sun on her face as it drove away the chill air of night. Of course the very ground on which she walked radiated its own heat, and she almost felt the blood pulsing beneath her feet as the mountain she stood on rose and fell with the rhythm of the giantess's breathing. It had been disorientating when they first started to climb several hours ago, but now she felt in tune with the movement; like she had her sea legs. Smiling she looked down at Connor as he began the final ascent of the nipple. The world was going to be different for everyone when the giant woke up. For Skye and Connor, where they stood, it might be the last sunrise they would ever see. Best to soak it up.
