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The world looked so different from this height, feeling like a room rather than a landscape. There were no walls, no ceiling, and the floor was a carpet of rolling hills, fields and forests. Looking down, the city lay at her feet. It was almost like an arrangement of detailed legos on a play mat, the tallest buildings about the size of her finger. It was where she had lived, where she had worked, and until recently, where she had called home.

Curiosity fired deep within her. She wanted to see what it looked like up close. Dropping to the ground she propped herself up on her elbows to get a closer look at the metropolis. Hundreds of buildings stretching out into the suburbs were crushed beneath her careless, naked body. The buildings glinted in the sun, roads laid out with miniature traffic flowing like ants along pathways. Except now, in the process of her observation, panic and chaos had taken over and the traffic ground to a halt. She wondered what it must be like for all the tiny specks below, looking up at her immense body, hovering over them. Her sheer immensity. She swore she could hear the faint screams and blaring of horns from the minuscule streets and leaned in even closer. Her hand brushed against some apartment blocks, sending them toppling to the ground in clouds of debris. Rolling forwards, her breasts demolished the city university campus laving nothing but fine rubble. She could see them now; the tiny people running through the streets around their abandoned cars, fleeing her shadow, fleeing the howling gale that came from her breath. It was beautiful. 

*The most exciting thing about this render was being able to use and showcase a new model (a modified Victoria Genesis 9 for those in the know). There are so many details that I'm actually able to access with the G9 that I haven't been able to before. Because I use blender to render, the HD details of most of the previous generation of models do not transfer over with my current workflow (but I'm always looking for ways to improve this and being able to use HD is at the top of the list for what I want to do). With the G9 models, and especially this one, the normal maps are so good that they really improve the realism. Here I bumped them up even moree to give the close up detail that I wanted for the feeling that the tiny people in the city can see every detail of her face as she looms over them. There are disadvantages to the sculpt as well but I'm excited to see what more I can get from these new models!*




Oh wow Definitely excited for some alt angles!


Thanks! It might be tricky because the whole scene is built around this camera angle but I'll see what I can rustle up