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I wanted to give you a few of the different versions of the CEO render that I've made as I worked on this piece. It's something of a hint at the things that I've been learning for the January releases. In each of these images I've tried something different with lighting and volumetrics, as well as adding extra helicopters and cleaning up materials (like her suit and the helicopter body). 

1 is the most basic version with just the background lighting and a single point light.

In 1a I've changed to a more atmospheric golden hour lighting with extra ligts to make it look like the last of the day's sun is still hitting her even as it has already set over the horizon for the rest of the city. I also added volumetrics to have her fade a little as she rises above the city.

In 1c I tried the sunny sky again but with the volumetrics and I had cleaned up her suit by making the material finer. In some ways this looks better than the final version (1b) but I didn't like the multiple shadows under her skirt and Jacket caused by all the different spotlights I used.

2 is an alternative view showing what she is dropping from her hand in close up.



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