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Alone in her cell she popped the capsule from under her tongue and cracked it open between her teeth. The tangy bitter liquid oozed out and fizzed against the back of her tongue. It was an embarassment that local law enforcement had managed to capture her but now it was time for action. She would not be beginning her rampage at the state capitol as planned but there would be plenty of opportunities for displays of power as she made her way there. The Walls and ceiling of the cell began to close in around her as her head rose to the ceiling. Coils of muscle coiled and whipped around her body, shredding her clothes, and her breasts ballooned out from her chest, crowned by nipples as thick as her thumb and incredibly sensitive. She was lost in the thrill of her growth, barely hearing the commotion that had begun outside her cell. Shouts turned to screams as her foot knocked the door through. Then with a sudden burst of growth she exploded upwards, smashing apart not just her cell but the entire cell block. She was slightly woozy from the change in perspective but she noticed a few brave officers standing their ground in front of her. She gathered them up, noticing with pleasure that one was gripping onto a barrel sized nipple. She rose and saw police and citizens fleeing. This was good. Their panic was an aphrodisiac to her. This operation would be entertaining.

I'm so pleased with how this came out! She has six police officers on her body... Can you find them all?
