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It was suddenly dark, and mostly quiet. The chaos of the last few minutes replaced by a stillness that was so filled with tension that it felt like it would shatter. He could not believe he was alive, that they were all alive, that they had somehow been spared. With this thought Jack let go of the breath he’d been holding. But possibly he was being premature.


The structure now looked flat. 

“I guess that’s what you get for building a house of cards.”

Janine looked down at the remains of the parking lot somewhat despondently. this was probably their best chance to find some accessible little people. Most of them were in buildings and running around as individuals. They squished too easily when you picked them up. They wanted them to last a little longer. 

“Let’s see if we can’t find some thing still in here. Don, come help with this crap.”

Don strode over to her side, looking down at the heap of rubble.

“You ain’t gonna find nothin’ in there.” He stated matter of factly.

“Lift up these levels and let’s see what I can find.”

Don dutifully got down on his haunches and prized his fingers under the collapsed floors of the structure. They weren’t heavy but he had to be careful not to break them, they wanted what was inside to stay intact.


There was a huge godawful noise from all around them. A rumbling and screeching as thousands of tons of concrete and steel shifted. The world lit up and Jack could see the inside of the bus again. There were about thirty of them in there, sheltering from the giants. The falling structure of the multi storey parking garage had somehow spared them but now…


“Oh looky looky Don, we got something here.” 

Janine peered in between the layers and slid her hand in, plucking a red bus from the wreckage. It was remarkably intact. It was about an inch long, so delicate. She held it up to her eyes and could just about make out some tiny faces pressed to the windows.



Jack’s world span several times in quick succession. He saw an enormous brown eye that took a moment to focus and then they were all spinning. It went dark for a few moments as they were held in a palm, warm flesh all around. Then more violent movements, like they were arching through the air, and then they suddenly came to rest. At least in that they were no longer being held. They were on a surface, and it was warm and it was moving. The bus was on its side. Looking out of the shattered front windshield he could see a cliff of flesh, the skin pocked with short cut hairs. He knew where they were, he dared not look but he must. Pulling himself up towards the windows now pointed at the sky he looked back down the length of the bus and gasped. A bridge of flesh stretched away dozens of yards and it was at that moment about to enter an equally huge cavern. It felt like watching a huge engineering project, or the workings of an ocean liner. But it was human - two humans - making love, and they were on their bodies - on his balls. Jack could see other people, like him, on her - on her clit. As the world started to thrust around him he pulled himself up out of the window to get a closer look.
