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“No no no. You just have to wait. Come over here, it’s the right size.”

Sarah led Matthew’s erection towards a tower block downtown. It sat at just the right height to be just below his crotch, and just the right width, so that he could span it completely. If he stayed hard he could bridge its entire width, his balls dangling on one side and his tip over the other. This space was a good thing for the small but terrified (and excited) crowd that had gathered on the roof to watch the giants at play from what they foolishly thought was a safe vantage point. Now the immensely thick shaft hung over them, blocking out the sun and casting them in shadow. 

Sarah knelt on the far side of the building. She cupped a hand below her right nipple and used the other to tap her boob. A car and some other tiny people that she’d left clinging to it fell into her palm. She scattered these (relatively) unharmed people onto Matthew’s engorged head, and spoke to them.

“I’m about to suck this dick you’re standing on. Suck it right off. And I’m going to suck you off it too. The only way you can escape is if you reach his base before I take it all in. Doesn’t that sound like a fun game?”

Matthew chuckled, causing his shaft to bounce a little, terrifying those on the rooftop once again. 

Sarah gently started at his tip. She wanted these tinies to make a break for it, so she was going to have to move slowly. Her mouth gaped and her tongue flicked out, causing the car and some people to fall out onto it, along with a little pre.

“You better hurry up little people, he’s not going to last much longer” she thought, straining to hold herself back.



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