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Alexis started laughing as the bounced, “We’re on the news.” 

“What the hell, of course we are.” Lance mumbled, slightly annoyed as her attention wandered from him. 

“There’s a news chopper here floating in front of my face like a gnat!” Alexis laughed again, “We’re going to be broadcast cross the country, Honey. Maybe even the world!” That thought was hot. She changed her rhythm and looked down at Lance, down again at the tiny man and woman on his firm abs. They were tiny to her but to the rest of the world they were giants. They just hadn’t grown very much. Alexis smirked and tossed her head back, just trying to enjoy this moment. It was her ex down there, and his ex too. They had all grown together initially but they the other two had stopped and they were salty. Alexis and Lance realised what they had to do to keep growing and kept at it. Essentially a new power couple had formed. It was like Love Island but with more serious consequences. 

“Come on you two, lighten up and get with the program before I start to have some fun with you too.” Alexis bopped the woman on her head with her finger. Carla was it? The tiny woman stared up incredulously at the woman riding her boyfriend. “Come on honey, make me grow.” Alexis said, directing her attention back to the meatstick.

“Stop talking then! You’re distracting me!” Lance protested as he shot a glance at his ex, who had started to grab the man. It looked like she was wrestling him down. Alexis was too good at this, he was throbbing again.



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