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“Do you want a soda?” Bethany called into the living room. 

“Sure, bring one through.” A pause. “I have a surprise for you.” Giggle.

Bethany grabbed the sodas from the fridge, boobing the door closed with a swing of her hips, and sauntered into the next room.

“What’s going on?” She paused across the room from her girlfriend. Steph was a good few years older and had a well paid job in the finance sector and was always buying her creative boo little treats. Now Steph was lying back on the couch, a cheshire cat grin all across her face,  holding a t-shirt loosely over her breasts.

“Come see.” Steph purred.

Bethany’s senses were now tingling as she cautiously sidled up to the couch and started to straddle her girlfriend, quizzically glancing down at her awkward effort to cover her prodigious chest. There was movement under the shirt.

“What the fu-” Bethany stopped as Steph removed the t-shirt to reveal a tiny couple lying on top of her quaking boob. They were using her large areola as a bed, leaned up against her firm nipple. They were going at it, the tiny man thrusting into the tiny woman. Bethany was speechless.

“I told them to start without us, I hope you aren’t mad.” Steph said coyly, reaching up to stroke Beth’s beautiful, stunned face. “They’re a present for you but they do seem to have taken a shine to me.”




Imaginative gifts! Bethany is gonna have to step up her game to match the creativity.