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My pc can't handle simulations for the moment. I was doing a lot of things and studying a lot of videos for understanding but this is similar to the previous things that I showed you previously:

I need 80/150 minutes just for a preview to see if everything is going okay with it.
(That's means almost 2 hours to see... 10/15 seconds...)

I'm literally 7 complete days without get off the pc and searching addons and native stuff and all. This is cuz... I'll explain to you something.

Look... You're a NSFW consumitor. Right? (And you're precious U///u) BUT!!!

We both know... There are some people that in 3D stuff do a... Horrible "milk" If you understand me.

Some do it super liquid like water. (I hate it) Others do it with a lot of... Lumps...? (Uretrus Delitus. Poor urethra) So I was studying for a whole week every day without stopping.
With that amount of days I could have done a complete scene of the trainer's house...

So I feel like I'm wasting my time. (And mostly importantly... YOUR TIME HERE WAITING A LOT AND I DON'T WANT THAT Q_Q)

All of this is from limits from my pc. And my pc will get a better update soon. So...

Here we can do a DEAL.

Do you remember the (Yordle Love) animation? Do you remember the scene of Vex licking a... "Milk" drop? Okay! That was not simulation. My PC cannot support that.

That "milk" was sculpted frame per frame almost... 140/145 different times.

My deal is this: I'll do a similar sculpted "milk" from yordle love (I'll try my best QWQ) and after that, I'll continue finally with the "Trainer's house" scenes.

Aaaaaaaaand!!! If you accept this, I promise I'll use this Sylveon model just one more time in the future with a better pc... A TRUE GOOD "milk" SIMULATION!!! XwX

That means: "You'll have this animation from a cute Sylveon in the forest and this animation now will be extended with more scenes in the "trainer's house" and in the future I'll do another Sylveon animation but with a true "milk" simulation!"

What do you think?

And... I'm sorry I don't have the resources yet to give you better quality animations. I swear I have all the desire to do it, but I still have some limitations. In the future I want to use a lot of liquid simulations, I feel that it gives a very professional touch if you do it well and I...

I don't want to give you bad content. If I do "milk" I want it to be EXCELLENT! As close to the real thing as possible. Because you deserve it!!! Quq

And yeee! sorry for loooooong texts, I feel you must know what is happening, you're financing this with your efforts! You're part of this too!!! QWQ

PD: The trainer must gift pink socks to Sylveon in his house like an extra?





who knew milk would be so complicated ×-×


Keep up the awesome work but yea frame by frame of a vid of this caliber seems way too much I wouldn't mind a something simpler in my opinion but can't say for everyone Im sorry I severely lack the knowledge to understand the hardships of animation but it sounds super complicated please take care


Don't feel bad about something that you can't help! One day you will be able to do even more, but until then all you can do is your best, which already looks so good. Trust yourself like we do, I know it'll look amazing!


Seems like a good deal honestly, considering how much you're struggling with it, goo for it!


Sounds like a plan! Just don’t burn yourself out on it haha!


Sounds good


Sounds good to me :D


you did well owob


Don't worry about it. I'm patient, so take however long you need.


I love the stop motion cum, but it also probably took a long time, so remember to rest, :D, and it think its a good deal


Good deal! We appreciate your hard work but please don't work too hard and remember to rest.