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Heya. I have a BIG doubt.

Look. Almost all the artists do just quantity posts. It means: Post constantly, but taking away the quality in the content.

In my case... To be honest. Do simple loops is... "fast and easy" for me, and without showing "penetration" in camera directly. But I felt empty with that kind of stuff. Just like I'm able to offer more! I like a lot when I can offer my content with the max quality that I can offer to you. But that costs lot of time. I'm able to do that thanks to you being here, in my patreon, so my doubt is...

What do you preffer? 

More content more frecuently but with a lot lower quality?

Or the actual sistem? Anims tooks a little more but are exclusive for ya more time and have more quality.

Yeah, I can be able to do simple loops animations with any characters, but it feels empty and without love and passion in it! ;w;

What do you think?



I will voice the opinion that I would appreciate being able to purchase the animations individually through something like gumroad


Depends on what you feel like should be your content, either a minute or more or just a couple of seconds. Regardless it's the passion in your work that makes the art l, long or not you still make good animations


Also we need more Vex


I just want you to do what makes you happy. Making longer projects, while more ambitious and time-consuming, are naturally more fulfilling than just doing what's quick and easy. Clearly you ENJOY pushing your skills and trying new stuff so I say just keep doing that. I don't need to be drip-fed content nonstop, lol.


I definitely prefer higher quality over quantity but it's also important to know that having a lower volume of content means that there's more time in between each post where you'll get less followers or supporters than when you do post your higher quality content. I want you to grow as a creator and I think having a bit of a balance between longer high quality videos and shorter/lower quality gifs can help with that. I also don't want you to do anything you really don't like however or make it seem like you HAVE to do *this* thing to succeed. I want you to have confidence in the stuff you make regardless of what you decide to do ^w^ I just know this is also your living and I want you to grow so your living situation can improve ;w;


And sorry for the long-winded comment <_<


I'd argue that you could potentially do a mixture of both; comms could be a way to do simple loops and have those posted on the patreon, while the big exclusive/early-access things are more personal/passionate things and whatnot. Of course, the most important thing is doing whatever you're comfortable with, so well, whatever floats your boat yo.


Longer animations where you could tell a short story would be great. For me it would be exciting to see the WIP or some renders so the timeframe between content drops isn't too large.


tbh I'm down for what ever ya want to do👍👍✨️


I have always said, "Quality is greater than quantity". If you prefer longer animations, I'm all for it!