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  • Toon_Tao_Stomp_1080p.mp4
  • Toon_Tao_Stomp_4k.mp4



The proper video files are attached below. I still can't upload videos directly to Patreon.

So this model is what I have been working on when I had the last week off. It's a more toony version fo myself with very big stompers of course and what better way to show them off than by putting them on your face?

This is sort of a remake of a little pixel art animation I've done a while ago. Thought it'd be a cute throwback.

I'm terrible when it comes to managing my time and finishing projects. I tend to bounce around a lot between them. Like the Lucario comic is still coming and there are also drawings waiting to be finished. I just wish I had more time. I worked on that model four days non-stop basically, gobbling up all of my free time.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

Also shoutout to JCThornton for providing the base mesh of those stompers!❤️




I specially love that split second before the big paw comes down. Perfect!!


Breathtaking bigness and fabulous foot action~ Wondrous results, hun!