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so looks nick is sending judy into the asylum, for some undercover work. would have been nice if he told her first! 

this is the basis for a comic in the future, a lil mini comic. might make it a patron poll comic! planning a part 2 to this one as well :D




Can you truly sell being undercover if you know you're going to be grabbed?


Lol This is probably stating the obvious, but in your comics Nick Wilde, is a bit of an a-hole! XD


Are we going to see more playdate pages soon? Feels like months since the last update


yeah, i kinda lean into his more shady side for the comics to drive things forward ;u;


for sure, i kinda fell behind writing things out for it, i have a buncha pages sketched, just been so busy ;O;


Similar question: what about Daycare Deception?


Why should Judy go deep cover, if she really belongs there? But if Nick had told her before, that she shall deep cover, Judy have for sure failed;-) Now everybody is convinced, that Judy belongs into a thick diaper and a very tight straitjacket;-)