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been working like a madman, lost track of time since i last post please forgive me ;O;




Guess you better go find your mommy to change you before it too late. Because to how long you been gone it seems she already on the prowl to find you.


Okay, I am a bit confused. I thought the mom they were talking to was Bridgett's mom. Now you say Bridgett has been in the class for the past week. So can we assume she's the mom of one of the other cheerleaders?


oh she isnt IN the class yet, this will get clarified, she was seen seeing the teacher. next chapter bridgette is one of the main focuses, and this will be explained c8 (in short, she was brought there with her mother to explain her options, which she wasnt too keen on c:)


I think Emily entered the class on a Thursday. We're only in the middle of the third in universe day, which I assume is a Saturday based on the fact that Emily isn't in school on this day. Also, teenagers exaggerate.