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Back on this train. ill have wips of the next pages flats up this week c: and friday ill be updating playdate, im aiming for 3 pages, but 2 should be guaranteed.

also, extremely important, what are your thoughts on this style for emily? im kinda in a style crisis over this comic, i dont want to make it overly detailed, because that takes a long time, and emily i want a simple, cute style, but i dont want it overly simple. let me know your thoughts, and if you feel so inclined, link to the pages you liked the style the best in <3




I know this comment is super late, but here’s my two cents I’m not that big a fan of this art style for the Emily comic, I’m not sure what I don’t like about it exactly, I feel like it’s a bit muted and a little sharp? Personally my favorite art style was around the end of part two like page 25-30 and the first 15 pages of part 3. The art style was cute, colorful, and really pleasant to look at It’s been well over a year since you’ve made this the style, but just thought I’d let you know what I think Still loving the comic though!


i really appreciate the impute ;u; &lt;3 yeah i dunno as im grown as an artist i have really struggled to find a place art wise ;3;! can you explain how you mean muted and sharp? will give me some thoughts on future work c:


So when I say muted I mean it seems not as colorful as previous pages, and right where Emily says “I feel miss soft bottom is right” the art style looks a lot like that to me, it now has lots of sharp edges that make characters less cute. And I’ve also noticed that lately you don’t complete lines. Like when you outline a character, some of the lines don’t meet up, kinda like in the PBS show Arthur In the pages I mentioned, the colors were really vibrant, the characters were more rounded, making them cuter, and the line art was really nice Don’t get me wrong literally every page of this comic is really good and takes more skill than I could ever hope to have. I just prefer the style of the pages I mentioned Another small thing is that with this new style, Emily seems a bit taller than in previous pages. But maybe that’s just her current coveralls outfit But I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t like what you’re doing! You’re the very first artist I’ve ever supported! Overall, everything you do is still fantastic!


I'm more interested in the story then the art work, to be honest


Your style has always been consistently nice. Is there anything in regards to your current style that you find particularly time-consuming?