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THis is a little bit of rambling but I realized in the last post I hinted at yet another thing I was supposed to add to the game - battle system. That's when I realized I've been very ambitious about what I want to do with the project and forgetting how much work that thing is going to take. In order to fulfill a turn based battle system I'm thinking of requires learning pygame (a module of python that's for making minigame) on top of python and renpy...That's another time sink for learning that would pull away from all the rest of the game and the content. I remember rafster and, i think, alex telling me about feature creep. And I realized I've moved past the point in which planned features have began to feel a little bit overwhelming. 

So where am I now? I've decided to scrap the battle thingy that I've not even done any work on, and focus on the visual novel aspects. The content that's out now is where I'll draw the line - some map navigation simply for exploration/meeting new people/ puzzle solving. No battles/fight system. The inventory and quests will stay as the items are still important part of the story. But the stats - that constellation screen with attributes - loving, kind, brave, etc... will be simplified a bit. 

I've enjoyed the visual aspects more than the coding anyway. Live2d is a whole system that I've explored (see last post for sample) that's more in line with what this project originally promised to deliver: sexy times. Not some grinding and fighting. So I'll return my focus on that.

Anyway, see you guys again later. I know this is a weird post but I just needed to get it out there that I was previously stuck for a long while trying to figure out how to implement this battle system and it's seriously delaying progress and hurting my focus. Thanks again for reading...I'll be back, hopefully with some visuals.


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