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Hey guys. How's everyone. Here's the bonus content I've made for this month. It's now posted in the google drive(See previous posts for the links - separate posts for each tier - let me know in the comments if those don't work.)

I've been making these in between rendering for the main VN, as I do tend to get overwhelmed when working on it non-stop. So making these is sort of my break from all that.

There's a theme here in all of them, it's sort of BDSM and all involve toys of some kind. If you're following some Japanese Bara artists, you might feel some familiar situations in these, its because they're all inspired by those artworks.

Meanwhile on the VN front. Still rendering. Sometimes painting. I am practicing painting stuff again because I've finally managed to get a better tablet. I've always wanted to include some sort of 2d art into the VN's for the UI elements I'm planning to add. See attachments for prototype: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=77722232&i=12909844

Disclaimer: I did use 3d renders to guide me with these, they're paintovers basically and not painted from scratch. But I do paint a lot in my spare time: (Shameless plug of a practice piece I'm working on.:https://www.patreon.com/file?h=77722232&i=12909860)

Another preview I can show you all is this thing: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=77722232&i=12909881
but I cannot tell you in what context you'll see them. And it's not yet in the next update, but the one after that.

I'm on a rush now. I really wanted to get this update out and it's not looking possible in January. December was very unproductive for me, I've sort of taken a break from the project because I've felt burned out. But now, I've been doing it non-stop and felt a little bit more into it. Aiming for a February release on the next update.




Tim, I can't find silver bonus content on the folder for silver. I tried this one but couldn't find it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/silver-bonus-76329643 Maybe is in another post, but I'm dense today xD EDIT: I just found it... I'm an idiot. Sorry for bothering you


I really liked the TV host story, although it lacked a little "je-ne-sais-quoi" at the climax. Probably a wet or leaky "spot" on the clothes would have made it sexier. It is still quite entertaining.