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Hello everyone.

V1.1 is here. I'm uploading the dev-build right now. Once I'm done uploading(my ISP is kinda wonky right now), I'll put another post here with the links for Gold patrons. Then send out a link to other patrons who were previously on Gold. Next week, it will be available to Silver and Bronze(I'm thinking Thursday instead of Saturday as this has been delayed for a while now.)

I haven't made a compressed version yet, I will probably do that on the public release. This "dev" build is only 95% complete, but needs more work on sound and music but I can't wait to share it so here it is. I'll continue work on audio and so the public release 1 month from now will have a tighter and more polished sound.  I kept music to a minimum here and they're mostly in need of fine-tuning in terms of timing and volume. Most of the work needed is on sound effects. Some scenes here you might find lacking sound effects which I'm still working on.

So let me know what you think. Let me know if you find some bugs, etc. I'll fix them asap.


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