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Story complete! On my end, I imagine Courtney's romantic shortcomings always having stemmed from an ongoing series of wrong place/wrong time sort of scenarios. Like how she didn't realize she had feelings for Abbey until she'd already missed her window, that kind of thing. 

In any case it's time for me to decide who to focus on for the next strip. As of this writing I have nothing set in stone. So if you have new ideas or just want to double down on any ideas you had from the last time I asked a few strips ago (which I will go back and check this weekend) feel free to do so in the comments. Hope you liked Courtney's story! :)



Phil Token

I’d love to see a story on Sylvia rewarding Miles with her wearing his favorite princess outfit for a date with him. Interesting to see how miles reacts to his fetish and sylvia in a hot dress


+1 to the Courtney/Abby OTP.