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My thanks to Renegade Phantom for the question! And if you have one of your own, please ask away! 

How hard Casey has latched onto Raina is one of those things that I hope doesn't seem too far from out of left field should it come up in the comic. It has admittedly come up a couple of times now in canonical commissions and strips over the years, but I feel like I should try and sneak at least a mention of it into the main story as soon as I can swing it all the same. 

That's all for now, hope you like the strip, and I'll be back Thursday with the next page of the comic!  




A partial return to the Mommy lovin Casey days…


It's genuinely kind of nice that Casey will have a sane, relatively stable female role model in her life now. Maybe between Raina and Royce as solid parental figures (more or less), she'll receive the proper love and attention to mature into an emotionally healthy adult....Also we can get more scenes like this, so it's a win-win all around.