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Casey and Warren win the last vote for this summer event! This party isn't quite over yet though. The next Monday pin up is the finale!

Jane had to give Casey credit on this one. When her spin landed on Warren, nobody would have been surprised to see her refuse, even if that meant being banned for life from Jane's future parties. Casey stepped up to the task though, even if she clearly wasn't happy about it.  Bria, on the other hand, was not looking too comfortable watching her current girlfriend get creampied by her ex. 

It was getting late. A few of Jane's players had gotten bored with waiting their turns and had abandoned the game. The house was getting trashed and everyone knew that once Liz put on her pirate hat she was too drunk to be horny. One way or the other, this game was nearly over. 

It was time to raise the stakes for one final spin! 




Jesus Christ I belt that felt cathartic. Love the squish here, and I'm glad Casey enjoyed it too (even if she won't admit it.)


Casey can be such a bitch. Poor Warren is, I think, attracted to women that dont treat him with respect. Which is weird, because I'd almost rather see him with Liz. Not that I don't like him and Morgan together, but that's only because Morgan *actually* cares about him.

Phil Token

I wonder rein if in the end they both enjoyed doing it maybe opened their eyes. Question for Miles has there been a memorable time when Casey cock blocked him from a hot date that he wishes didn’t happen