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Part of the aim of this chapter was to check in on/feature more characters than any before, and we're well on our way here already! 

Since last we left this group, Derek has become the unofficial third member of the posse. I figure that no matter how much he might disagree with Elianna, remaining in her presence is still much better than having light fixtures fall on his head at random. Kayden has been afraid she'll tell Derek to get lost at any given moment, and he's starting to get excited about how she, miraculously, hasn't done so yet. 




I'm all about Kayden's expressions in this page. The whole page overall is top notch for all the reasons others have mentioned but after the Stephanie/Kayden picture getting to see more of him is just a delight. Hopefully we can get a semi lewd magnet of him someday lol


Yes. Eliannas lewdness sense probably give her trouble all the time at Castlewood. Like, 10 times a day easy. How does she cope?


Derek is wearing a shirt with Shadow the Hedgehog on it, the symbol looks so similar to the one in game and its got a little hedgehog face on it too, I cannot be convinced otherwise


Did he bump her, or she him?

Ranger Bumblefuck

Having a "lewdness sense" at Castlewood is kind of like having a mosquito detector in a swamp.

Mark Hunter

This panel is *INSPIRED* Haven’t had that much fun reading a single page since the tragically short run of “Major Bummer” 25 years ago. My man . . . THANK YOU!


I assume this one is also from an anime, but I have to say I adore Elianna's outfit. She looks super cute, simplicity really can go a long way :)


More Eliannais always wellcome! Btw did she got an even less revealing uniform?


This one is more loosely inspired than her previous outfits. It's a take on Makoto's summer uniform from Persona 5, simplified a bit because I didn't want to be stuck with a tricky skirt pattern for the whole chapter. XD


Technically, yes? It does show even less skin than usual but I oddly think this is sexier than the norm for her because that shirt is skin-tight and she doesn't have a blazer for once. XD


Shipping soo hard I'm out here looking for the One Piece. Ooh! Or working for Amazon (just thought of that).

frank barry

Nail guns don’t puncture long distance, this aint lethal weapon 2.