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Right now I'm reminded of that joke from the Simpsons movie where it said "To be continued....immediately."   ;D




OMG their FAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCESSSSSSS... Bria's smile in Panel 2, and Casey's look in Panel 3 are SO GOOD.


I get the feeling that Casey thinks Bria would reject her if she knew her secrets, so she doesn't feel comfortable accepting any gestures of affection. The girl has Issues.


The L bomb is a big bomb.


Thanks! Panel two is probably my favorite Bria face I've ever done. I just need to find a way to hang on to that look.


Hey you pretty much nailed it. Now that Bria's problem is on the way to being resolved it's time for Casey to face her problems in the last chapter. :)

Bob Fink

So this page went exactly as I expected, and yes Casey is still having trouble with voicing her true feelings towards Bria. Even though you can tell through her emotions and actions, she just can't say those three little words ;)