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So off and on over the month since it's release, I've clocked in roughly forty hours on Final Fantasy 15. I played the hell out of it during my vacation week.  It's a very different beast than the previous single player entries in the series, at least for me. See in the older games I was solely interested in the story,  and while I enjoyed the random battles to me they always felt like a time-consuming obstacle between me and advancing the plot.

But in this entry my priorities are reversed. I'm having so much fun with the gameplay I've barely noticed the main story.  I'm too busy taking on monster hunts, decking out my car, and tracking down parts to make new weapons with. Don't get me wrong, the story isn't bad by any means.  And my party members are far more likable than anyone from Final Fantasy 13, the last single player entry.  (I feel the fact that the main guys in FF15 are pretty much the Ninja Turtles when you break their personalities down is no accident, that's a tried and true recipe for a likable team.)

But let's talk about Aranea here! I haven't seen much of her in the game, though her sexy outfit seems to be doing for Dragoons here what Lulu did for Black Mages back in Final Fantasy 10.  I think she's a Dragoon anyhow, one of her special moves sure looks to me like an old-school Jump command from the previous games.  I hope that by the time this pic's turn comes around to be posted outside Patreon I've beaten the game. The last thing I need is some random commenter blowing a plot twist for me. I can just see it: "Yeah Aranea was cool until you find out she's the queen of the chocobos in disguise omg lol!"

Anyhow hope you guys like this commission. Switch is on the way but a bit later in the night, still got some work to do on it. :) 




Funnily enough I'm actually downloading this game as I type this and if there's a character that looks like this loveliness in game I get the feeling I didn't spend my money poorly lol.


There are some seriously hot FF girls out there.


Oh certainly, some of the ladies in this game are almost too much in the way they are sexually portrayed. I'm sure you've already seen Cindy the mechanic, she's one of the first characters you meet. I think they were overcompensating for the all-male party lol.


Oh yeah, every game in the series has at least one or two classic lady characters. :)


Any thoughts on Gentiana? I honestly wish her or Iris were given more focus than Luna.


I haven't seen a lot of her yet, (though it does crack me up how she keeps photo-bombing Prompto's pictures.) Though she does look cool and would be fun to draw.


I havent gotten too far into the game yet but it is crazy how much Cindy is sexualized. The outfit she wears and that whole cinematic every time she pumps your gas lol. I'm not complaining about it though lol


I agree that repeatable car service scene is certainly entertaining lol. I maintain my stance that she exists because there are no girls in the main party. XD

Bob Fink

This is so awesome, love seeing a smokin hot babe enjoying reverse cowgirl ;)


It's probably one of my favorite poses to draw, it shows off everything! :D

Walter L.

Love the picture. Is the game already available for the pc?


Well I looked into it, and as of now the creators are like, "PC port? Impossible! The technology doesn't exist!" But considering this is the fastest selling entry in the series history I think a big special edition PC port sometime next year is pretty inevitable.