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Switch is back! I really feel like the break did me some good and I'm excited to finish this chapter.  But in the meantime it looks like Bria isn't the only one with troubles to work through.  Hope you guys like the page and that you're having a good night! :)



Michael Wright

It's nice to see Casey's caring side.


Guess sex is postponed 😥


Y'know, this self-awareness of Casey's is strange... But not unwelcome. ^_^


Thanks, and I hope it didn't seem too out of nowhere. To me I felt like she had to see how bad things had gotten for Bria under her influence to make her look inward and recognize some of her own issues. :)


You know I actually planned to shoehorn more action between them before this scene. But in the end I decided it felt a little forced and if Bria was going to break down she would do it sooner rather than later. Also this way I'm only a few pages from starting the final chapter, which has more sex than any of the others so I hope things will even out. :)


Thanks! Only took just over a hundred pages to get here lol. ;)

Stush Cinta

Casey might be a bit messed up, but she can still be a good buddy~ <3


Aw, poor, mentally-falling-apart Bria... I feel so bad for her. And I want to give her a giant hug... that never ends :). Very nice work here. Bria's emotions come through and you feel bad, even though she looks so OH MY GOD in that dress with her giant boob hanging out. And my God... MORE SEX in the last chapter?!! It's got MORE SEX than the other ones? Now you're just teasing is with this magnificence! First you show us that sexy new curvy girl, and now there's gonna be the most sex ever in the last chapter!! You're spoiling us, Reinbach!


Aw, that was nice.


Glad you think so! Under the circumstances she's have to be quite the monster to still be selfish here lol.

Walter L.

At least Casey is not a completely lost case.

Bob Fink

This page puts everything into perspective and I now see why Switch was telling Casey to back-off. Looks lie they both need to sit down for a heart to heart conversation before anything else happens between the two of them.


Sounds like we're thinking along the same lines. Hope you like next week's page. :)