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Made it! Thanks again for waiting everyone.

Switch's large proportions are proving trickier than I thought to present. I feel like she looks a bit stocky in the background here, but if Casey was standing next to her, coming up to about mid-boob, she'd look a lot bigger. It's something I'll have to work on I suppose. 

Meanwhile it seems that Swich wasn't fucking around when she told Casey to back off on the seduction.  And it looks like she was right, Bria definitely has something she needs to deal with here. I hate to leave off on a sad note before my vacation next week but I'm looking forward to picking up from here when I come back. :)




Were it not for the explicit nudity in several panels that shot of Switch could easily be an album cover for some sort of metal band lol. Well part of one at least, it could also be a cover for a fantasy novel :P


Thanks! Almost made me wish I'd done more of a rock and roll aesthetic with Casey, gone more rock groupie instead of slutty country girl.


Personally, I love slutty country girls. They can fuck, the hell with coastal girlies.

Bob Fink

Okay, so this was a little unexpected but I see what you mean that Bria needs to deal with a few things before Casey and her hook up sexually. Darn




Well seeing as how I'm coming up to the end of the story I feel like it's time to resolve some emotional stuff with the characters. But there's certainly a few more sex scenes left before the finale. :)


So Switch has the ability to physically restrain Casey?


It would sure seem that way. Or at the very least it would appear that she has the ability to make Casey think she can't move.