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EDIT: Realized Mary's tongue was a bit too long, so shortened it a little. 

And I'm just now getting a message that Halloween is, in fact, next Monday. Well next Monday is a strip week, so we're doing this now! This year it's the twins representing TRW. I thought about making one of them an angel for visual variety, but they're delinquents so two devils felt appropriate. XD

The reason this one's posting a little later in the night because I wanted to take a swing at some graphic design elements on this year's Halloween magnet. I swear I spent more time messing with that trick or treat logo than I did with both twins combined, and I'm still not entirely happy with how it looks. A funny contrast is that I think this is my personal favorite picture of these two I've ever done, as far as the artwork goes. So of course the logo is what drove me insane. If anyone has any graphic design pointers or feedback they'd like to share, I'd be happy to hear it. In the meantime I hope you like this pic of the twins, and that you had a good Monday!



Jariah Synn

I swear if one of them was an angel you'd be hearing from my lawyer! 😸


I suspect the trouble you were having with the logo is that the "or" doesn't quite tie it together, and the tail of the lowercase "r" is slightly too long. Have you tried with the "or" without any sort of rotation? It would add a fixed point in the center. If that doesn't help at all, I can think again.


Oh yeah that hit the spot. Twins are always good. Perfect.

Licorice Lain

Monday can't come soon enough. This season has been hell at work.


I love the twins, more twins. They need a full scene sometime soon!


My only critique is why are they both dry? They look so hungry...

Squid Hills

It's so strange seeing them in a color other than black.


No it's helpful. I'll try to keep details like that in mind the next time I try some graphic stuff. Feedback/critique is always appreciated around here.


Yeah their bright blue hair looks jarring in a hurry with pretty much any other color, I'm finding. The second I dressed them in red, the Halloween color scheme went right out the window and I ended up with Spiderman colors lol.