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So there I was, about to post my remade Heather Mason pic to Twitter in attempt to cash in on the Silent Hill Silent Hype, when I realized I only did the updated version of my old Heather pic for the sticker we made for the store, not as an actual pin up. I felt quite the fool! 

Now that that little problem has been remedied, big Silent Hill news this week! Several projects were announced, and while series publisher Konami deserves zero good faith considering their shameful history of peeing all over the beloved franchises we hold dear, I will say this: effort is clearly being put in here, and that's more than we've seen from them in a long time. That Silent Hill 2 remake could be good! Lord knows Bloober Team has been practicing for this very project for years lol. Long story short I get the skepticism, but I see no reason yet not to be optimistic that I might finally play another good Silent Hill game sometime in the next year or two. 

PS: If you like this one we've still got a few Heather stickers left in the shop! XD



Vylon Delta

Zippers on a bra; interesting choice.

Adler No

I feel like all I can really say about the Silent Hill stuff is that it looks neat. All we got were a bunch of visual announcement trailers that didn't really show us anything in terms of gameplay or story. I'm not sold on Blooper Team though. Townfall and F could be promising but there's really nothing to go on so I'll wait till we see more. But what do I know. I'm only a filthy casual that played the HD collection, Homecoming, and Downpour.


Seems like a recipe for painful mishaps lol. I didn't dream it up though. I had to have seen it in a reference pic at the time, just can't remember where.


Well you played the two best games in the series with the HD collection, albeit jank versions of them, but anyone who's played those is above filthy casual. XD


As a well known long time diehard fan of Liz, i must say, that this (or the sticker or the original) is probably my favourite picture by you of all time. Hands down.