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What's this?  The Monday pin up coming out early?  Well the fact is I have a woefully busy day ahead of me tomorrow (I have jury duty of all things,) and I don't know if or when I'll make it back to my desk.  I figure rather than spend the day stressing about it I'd just post this tonight. 

So here we have Parasoul from the indie hit fighting game, Skullgirls.  I bought the game when it first came out, and was immediately attracted to its extremely stylish hand-drawn look and sexy character designs.  Of course, it was difficult to enjoy the visuals fully because I was too busy getting the living shit kicked out of me.  Seriously, even on the easy difficulty, the computer opponents just stomped my ass.  Skullgirls is not a game for casual players it seems, but it certainly has a lot to offer if you can master it. 



Bob Fink

Very well done and I love the pose you chose for her, submissive and one of her better assets ;)


Oh, hello there, Agent. Granted, a sultry redhead who wears a dress THAT short? What's not to love about Parasoul?


Thanks! Seems like I rarely do a solo pose that's "pre-sex" you know? Can't hurt to shake things up every now and then. :)


Cool stuff! Skull girl... because she gives good skull?